Get Involved – Keep Hemp Products Accessible in Your State

Psychoactive, hemp-derived products are no doubt, one of the most popular products out there. As much as it mimics a traditional marijuana buzz, it also serves as a holistic alternative to helping you feel your best. Whether it’s managing anxiety, soothing discomfort, or just a healthier way to unplug from the stress of everyday life, psychoactive hemp has definitely found its place among users all over the country.

Given the explosive popularity of these products, state & local governments all over the country are trying to take that access away from you. This is where we need your help. If you live in any of the states where there is active legislation to limit or outright ban these products, use this opportunity now to make your voices heard.


CALIFORNIA – Oppose AB2223

Recent amendments to AB2223 would, if passed & signed by the Governor would impose a 1MG total potency limit on your products. This would effectively ban all hemp-derived THC products in the state. Time to get involved!

Please urge your reps to OPPOSE AB2223.

FLORIDA – Urge Governor DeSantis to VETO SB1698

The Florida House of Representatives just passed SB1698 which, if signed into law, would impose a 50MG potency limit on THC. This means your product’s potency would be limited down so much, the products become useless.

Governor DeSantis, please VETO SB1698.

WYOMING – Urge Governor Gordon to VETO SF32

The Wyoming State Legislature passed SF32 which, if signed into law, would effectively make all products illegal despite the THC concentration not exceeding the federally mandated 0.3% by dry weight.

Governor Gordon, please VETO SF32.

MARYLAND – Stop the Enforcement Action

Following emergency legislation, the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA) is seizing legal hemp products from stores. Reach out to the DC Mayor and the City Council Members urging them to cease enforcement efforts for otherwise LEGAL products!

ILLINOIS – Oppose Unfair THC Limits in SB 3926

Illinois SB 3926 aims to limit legal hemp products to 0.5MG total THC per serving with a maximum concentration of 2MG per package. These arbitrary and unfair restrictions keep products out of your hands. This cannot stand!

Urge your lawmakers to OPPOSE SB 3926.

LOUISIANA – Oppose SB 495 & SB 237

Louisiana has two bills on deck. SB 495 aims to ban out-of-state hemp products whereas SB 237 limits products to 0.0% THC. Both of these bills spell an outright ban for otherwise legal hemp products. Get to work everyone – this needs to go!

Urge your lawmakers to OPPOSE SB 495 & SB 237.

MINNESOTA – Support HF 4629 to Legalize!

HF 4629 creates a legal pathway to approve cannabinoids sold in the state. This is a HUGE step in the right direction for keeping your favorite hemp disposable vapes, edibles, and others accessible in Minnesota.

Urge your lawmakers to SUPPORT HF 4629.

MASSACHUSETTS – Appeal the Hemp Ban

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR)’s latest policy outright bans all hemp products – both intoxicating and non. This arbitrary ban does nothing but limit your freedom to choose what to put in your body.

Urge your lawmakers to RESCIND THE BAN.

NEBRASKA – Keep Hemp Affordable & Oppose LB 399

Nebraska LB 399 imposes a 25% tax on hemp products. This new tax is higher than most states and limits the affordability & accessibility of otherwise legal ways to imbibe. This cannot stand! Let’s get to work people!

Urge your lawmakers to OPPOSE LB 399.

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