We’ve discussed in-depth the tale of HHC, the newest cannabinoid on the block. But, what does the actual high feel like? Many who have never heard about it may wonder what HHC is and if it will get them high. How is it different from other cannabinoids?
We want to look at the HHC high and how it compares to, say, oh, your traditional Delta-8 high. Overall, we’ll take you through the complete HHC experience. Let’s dive into another in-depth guide on one of our favorite hemp compounds!
If you haven’t gotten around to checking out our other blogs on what HHC is and its effects, we’ll give you a quick summary here. Hexahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as HHC, was first created by Roger Adams in 1944 by hydrogenating Delta-9 THC. By adding hydrogen molecules to the THC, it was converted into an entirely new molecule.
Hydrogenation isn’t new to the world. We see the process when converting vegetable oil into margarine. By doing it for cannabis, we get something new and exciting. Nowadays, we can derive HHC from compounds in hemp other than Delta-9 THC. The end product is still the same: a delightful cannabinoid rising in popularity!
The main difference between Delta-8 THC and HHC is that there is no hydrogen molecule in HHC. Okay, so let’s say you’re not a chemistry nerd—what does that mean?
HHC is a “fattier,” slower-moving cannabinoid than Delta-8 THC. Studies have observed that the potency and psychoactive effects noticed in HHC were less than in Delta-8. If you think Delta-8 is a little more than you bargained for, HHC is the perfect alternative to try out. If you have no clue about Delta-8 and how it’s different from CBD, you might want to check that out too.
The hydrogenation process used to create HHC also gives it a longer shelf life. Of course, Delta-8 already has a long shelf life when stored properly, but HHC degrades even slower. HHC is less reactive to UV light and heat, so the potency remains unaffected no matter what room temperature it’s stored at. Overall, we can say that HHC is a slow-moving Delta-8.

Just because something is enjoyable doesn’t necessarily mean it can intoxicate you. CBD, after all, is non-psychoactive, yet plenty of users incorporate it into their daily routines. So what are HHC’s effects, and what should you expect?
Does HHC get you high? The short answer is yes—but not in the way Delta-9 THC in marijuana would. A high similar to THC is produced, but it’s not as intense. HHC appears to be somewhere between 70% and 80% less potent than traditional Delta-9. Some consider it stronger or equal to Delta-8 in terms of potency in part because of the “slow burn.” When it hits, though, the effects of HHC are rarely psychoactive.
Users typically describe it as a euphoric type of high. Overall, the feeling is incredibly relaxing. It’s a great way to start or end your day, depending on personal preference. If you’re just looking for a way to chill out while watching your new favorite show or to end an evening with friends, HHC is your ideal wind-down.
Your dosage will also impact how HHC will affect your body, where a milder dose will probably provide extremely relaxing results, whereas a higher dosage will get you closer to a ‘euphoric’ high. If you’re still figuring out what HHC is, it’s best to start small so you can see for yourself what the effects are like.
All cannabinoids have the same foundational structure, but it’s surprising how different the effect of each one is on your body. This has to do with the chemical bonds.
Both Delta-8 and Delta-9 strains have double bonds, whereas HHC does not. Users have also commented on how a THC high and HHC high differ in terms of how long the effects last. Many have reported feeling the effects of HHC for up to an hour or two longer than THC.
But just like THC, the effects and duration of HHC will vary from person to person. Your friend might feel the effects for around four hours, whereas you might experience them for two and a half. You’ll commonly find HHC today in vape products or even gummies, so you can dose up or down as and when you want.
If you want a more detailed explanation of what to expect while high on HHC, we’ve got you covered! Most people report HHC providing a gradual increase in mood. It stimulates an increase in activity more so than THC typically does. While it can cause cognition and your headspace to change, it doesn’t completely overtake your ability to remain in control. Sounds familiar, right?
A Delta-8 THC high is very similar to that of an HHC one! If you recall, a Delta-8 high is a milder experience than your typical Delta-9 high. You feel the full potential of a psychoactive THC high but without the attached paranoia and other adverse side effects. An HHC high is very similar to a Delta-8 high in that you are baked in an albeit milder form compared to Delta-9 THC.
So is there a real difference in psychoactive highs between HHC and Delta-8? Kinda!
Speaking from a completely subjective experience (remember, everyone processes cannabinoids differently, so the experience of the Eighty Six team can vary wildly from person to person), the HHC high feels a lot like a true sativa whereas the Delta-8 high feels a lot like an indica or an indica-dominant hybrid. The HHC high delivers more-or-less an energetic, daytime activities sort-of-high while Delta-8 is more of a full-bodied melt-on-the-couch sort of feeling. Both are incredibly relaxing, both get you significantly high, and both avoid delivering the paranoia and other adverse effects that typically happen when using traditional Delta-9 cannabis.
So, okay—you’ve chosen your HHC flavor of choice. What exactly needs to happen for you to feel the way you do? It’s pretty simple! The onset of the HHC high typically follows suit of the bioavailability of the consumption method you choose. Since the White Series HHC Disposables are, well, disposable vapes, the bioavailability of an inhalable is pretty quick. From the time you inhale to the moment you’d start to feel its effects usually average between one and five minutes. Similar to any other inhalable, regardless if you are smoking flower or vaping, the high would last for a few hours at the most, all the while leaving you fully in control of your wits! Sounds like a no-brainer type of experience, huh?

Various studies suggest that HHC and THC aren’t so different in terms of efficacy and safety. Research strongly supports that HHC is no more dangerous than THC, although if you put a simple search for what is HHC from a safety perspective, you’re probably not likely to find much. This cannabinoid is still a relative newcomer in the commercial scene, and it has not been as extensively studied as CBD or Delta-9 THC.
So while HHC is safe in the conventional sense, you still have to be super careful when buying it. HHC is chemically hydrogenated from THC and is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid. Impurities and contamination can arise when the hydrogenation process is done unsafely. Purchasing from a credible business is key to having a good experience with HHC. As you know, when you buy from Eighty Six, you get a Certificate of Analysis with every batch.
The HHC produced today is derived from a method that utilizes hemp as the base product. The low-THC cannabis plant has been previously legalized by Congress in the 2018 Farm Bill.
You want to make sure to read up on your local laws to see if your state has outlawed THC in all of its forms, in which case you can’t buy HHC in your state, even online. If you’re wondering what HHC’s legality is in your state, view our map.
Everyone should try HHC at one point or another! If you’ve never heard of HHC before and want to know what HHC is and the HHC high, this is the perfect starter guide you should refer to. As legal hemp paves the way into day-to-day society, we’re excited to roll out such a powerful collection to our family of Premium Hemp products. Be sure to give the White Series HHC Disposables a try today to see what a top-notch psychoactive experience will be like for you!